Monday, October 26, 2020

Day 94 - Liberty


Liberty has it's blemishes.  It can be sweet, it can be sour.  We refer to our cat Eliza as sweet and sour.  She's a sweet girl but sometimes she turns on a dime and claws your face off.  We put up with it because it's what we know.  America is sometimes like this but I'm talking about an apple, the Liberty apple.

The Liberty apple was first developed in 1955 in New York state, a mix of the Macoun and the Purdue 54-12 with the Macintosh as a grand-parent but was not available to the public until 1978.  It is a small, uniform shaped apple with a mostly dark red color.  It was developed to be resistant to disease (like America?) and therefore, yields a good harvest but only lasts a couple months after being picked.

I bought a half peck of these at Peck and Bushel Organic Fruit Co.  It has a crisp, white flesh, a juicy bite and is fairly sour.  My wife made an apple crisp (see future review) with these and some Crimson Topaz apples.

Liberty has a short growing season but is supposedly an easy apples to grow so if enough of us work together, maybe we could have enough liberty for all!

Next time, I review Laura's Ginger Apple Crisp.  Crunch on!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like this was like an episode 0 before the Pie review - I am curious if she uses Oatmeal in her crisp mix - - I have had those kind and it is GREAT
