Friday, March 19, 2021

Day 101 - WildTwist


Let's get wild, Sweet Cheeks!  The WildTwist apple was originally marketed as the Sweet Cheeks apple but it was decided that was a weird and possibly offensive name for an apple.  I don't think WildTwist is the best name either but here's the scoop.

Two legendary apples come together in a World unifying, gravity defying, Earth shattering, Universal collaboration of our heroes, HoneyCrisp and Cripps Pinks and the Bloods (also know as Pink Lady).  It is more sweet than tart, juicy, crunchy, without being snappy.  HoneyCrisps are snappy.  That means when you bite into one and rip you teeth from the flesh like a rabid dog, a big chunk comes off clean.  The skin is thin and not bitter like the Satan's spawn that is the Red Delicious.  It has a slight floral forward flavor.  

My wife, we'll call her Laura, picked a single WildTwist up for me a few weeks ago at Sendik's Food Market in Brookfield.  Only one apple for my review.  I had to be very careful with it.  I wrapped it in swaddling clothes and placed it, ever so gently into the safest part of the crisper in our 2014 Frigidaire Gallery.  Some apples are best right from the tree.  WildTwist are better a few months after picking. 

That's pretty much it.  I like 'em and would eat more of 'em. While I write this, I am listening to Led Zeppelin: In Through the Out Door and I am loving it, haven't heard it in years!  

I hope to have some more apples to review soon but the next few will be for apple related products.  Next time, I review the Apple Pie Kit Kat.  Crunch on!

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Day 100 - 100th Apple a Day Blog Celebration

Happy 100th apple blog!  The stars are all here celebrating with an open apple bar.  Shown above, all the apples I have reviewed so far.  There are 65 different varieties.  The other 34 reviews were of other apple products like spirits, recipes, baked goods ect... I actually reviewed more than 34 other items because some were combo reviews or comparisons for example: cider vs. juice, apple sauce vs. baby food, different apple whiskeys, brandies, apple oatmeals.  I also threw in some beer reviews because I sometimes (often) drink beer while writing my apple blogs.  It's my blog, I can do what I want!

I started the blog Feb 19th 2017 and the idea at first was to do one every day so the review was of something I just ate that day.  I went from that first day until April 6th 2017 only skipping a day 5 times, 3 of which I punished myself for as discussed in my Day 22, 32 and 33 reviews.  I took the summer of 2017 off and then started doing the review just when it felt right.  It got tough to have the discipline to write every day and also have fresh product on hand.  Also, new apples usually show up in stores in the fall.

I discovered that a lot of good apples come from New Zealand like Jazz, Envy and Koru.  I reviewed the Grapple on Day 23, which is a Fuji which has soaked in concord grape juice, not good!  Day 41 brought the Pear Apple, which is not really an apple at all but an Asian pear.  It is however, delicious!

It has been quite a journey filled with laughter, tears, stories, sober nights, drunken days, conflict,  boredom, exaltation, devastation and resolution.  I am including links to all the entries so far.  Check 'em out.  It could change your life or at least give you something to do for a few minutes.

Thanks to anyone who has read the blog.  I have decided I don't have a favorite apple.  There are a lot of good ones.  I do have a least favorite though, the Red Delicious sucks!

Next time, there's a twist, the WildTwist.  Crunch on!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Day 99 - L'epicurien Apple Cider Confit with Calvados


Oui délicieux!  My sister Michele and brother-in-law Phil got us a jar of L'epicurien Apple Cider Confit with Calvados for X-mas and it is SO good!  It is made with cider, real apples and Calvados.  Calvados is a French Apple Brandy from the region of Calvados, aged at least 2 years.  I have tried and reviewed this style of Brandy before.  See link:   

L'epicurien Apple Cider Confit has a great flavor with bits of apple and some nice brandy flavor.  I tried it on an English muffin, I didn't have any French muffins. I also tried it on toast and with some aged parmesan cheese which really brought out the brandy notes.

L'epicurien is a French company that makes jams, jellies, dips, spreads ect...  They have some other killer products.

Well folks, and I use the term loosely as I rarely say folks.  My next post will be my 100th apple blog.  It will be a recap of my apple journey so far with picures, stats, reflections, predictions, predilections and ponderings.  All the stars will be there for this prestigious event so please join me and crunch on! 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Day 98 - Imperfect Foods Apple Crisp Garanola


You don't need to be a hippie to enjoy granola.  I love cereal, granola is cereal.  We have been getting our groceries delivered this year but I remember as if it was several months ago.  The cereal isle is a wonderland of flavors, textures, shapes, colors and moods, promising everything from health and well-being to strength, virility and a sugar crash worthy of a heroin overdose, good times!

We have been getting some of our delivered groceries from a company called Imperfect Foods.  They sell items that are perfectly edible and tasty but would go to waste because stores don't want them for a number of reasons: fruit and vegetables that are small or wrong in appearance, meat that wasn't cut properly (good example: we got center-cut bacon pieces, delicious but not the perfect strips you'd expect) overstock items, packages that are slightly damaged or have the wrong appearance do to redesign or printing errors.  

Imperfect Foods organic Apple Crisp granola is made in small batches in a solar-powered bakery by elves.  It's made with organic nuts, seeds, apple pieces and spices.  They have a natural taste, not too sweet, decent crunch, definitely some cinnamon.  The biggest problem, not nearly enough apple pieces.  I see this time and again.  When something is advertised as an "apple" thingy, it should have enough apples damn-it!  I shouldn't get mad though. (Calm down Mike, think of your blood pressure) It is from Imperfect Foods.

Another granola I wanted to mention because it is fucking delicious is Love Crunch!  This is the tastiest granola I have tried.  It is a chocolate granola with dried strawberries, rasberries, coconut and dark chocolate chunks.  I have only seen it at Costco.  I highly recommend it.

Next time I review L'Epicurien Apple Cider Confit with Calvados Brandy.  Crunch on!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Day 97 - Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Rum vs. Captain Morgan Apple Spiced Rum

I have tried a lot of apple flavored spirits and I don't mean apple flavored ghosts.  Don't mix apples with the dead, that's what I always say, almost on a daily basis.  Can I get a boo-boo!

Rum is a category of liquor that I enjoy.  It mixes well with apple cider, eggnog, cola and many cocktails.  Sailor Jerry Savage Apple and Captain Morgan Apple Spiced Rum are almost identical in taste!  I have tried and enjoyed both their standard versions before.  Sailor Jerry Savage Apple has a little more of a tart green apple taste than the Captain and for the apple version, they reduced their abv from 46% alcohol to 35% for a little less bite.  They are comparable in price, usually about $18.99 for 750 ml.  The Captain Morgan's was on sale for $14.99.


Laura made a kick-ass cocktail with the Captain Morgan Apple Spice Rum.  It was made from the aforementioned, apple cider, Buttershots Butterscotch liquor, Canada Dry Bold Ginger Ale and a garnish of fresh apple slice and it was fucking awesome, yum!  It would have been just as good with Sailor Jerry Savage Apple.  Thanks Laura!

Next time, we have breakfast with Imperfect Foods Apple Crisp Granola with a bonus review of Love Crunch Granola.  Crunch on!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Day 96 - Crimson Topaz


This wasn't a great year to peruse the apple section for new subjects to dissect.  I used to hit grocery stores, farmers markets, orchards, back alleys, dark webs, every warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, doghouse I could find.  You know, the COVID hit.  We have been getting our groceries delivered since April 4th.  I have only experienced 4 new apples this year.

I bought a quarter peck of Crimson Topaz at Peck and Bushel Organic Fruit Co.  The Crimson Topaz was developed in the 1990's in the Czech Republic.  It is a cross between a Vanda and a Rubin.

The flavor is tart, sour, or as they say on the Great British Baking Show, sharp but still sweet.  They are small to medium in size and have a uniform round shape with a white inner flesh and a bright red exterior with yellow highlights.  The one pictured above had a cool racing stripe!  I found them to be crisp and juicy but they browned rather quickly once the skin was breached.  I prefer my apples a little less tart but if you like that then check 'em out.

Next time, I compare Captain Morgan Apple Spiced Rum with Sailor Jerry Savage Apple Rum, crunch on!


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day 95 - Laura's Apple Ginger Crisp


Laura likes to cook and bake.  It makes me want to fill my plate and lick it clean for goodness sake.  Baretta was played by Robert Blake.

Baretta had a cockatoo named Fred.  It was a cool looking bird.  I don't think I'd like to own a bird, filthy creatures really.  In 1990, the cockatoo who played Fred was stolen from the San Diego Wild Animal Park.  He was found safely and went on to live a long life.  He celebrated his 100th birthday in 2014, wow, very old for a cockatoo, average life expectancy 50-70 years.  I don't know what age he lived to but I digress. 

I am lucky that my wife enjoys cooking like she does.  She feels true joy in the process of figuring out what to make, gathering and prepping the ingredients and finally, presenting the finished dishes in all their glory!  I reap the benefits for sure.

I'm not much of a cook myself.  We did Plated for 2-3 years.  They send ingredients and detailed recipe cards for 2 meals a week.  We were quite busy at the time and thought it would save some meal planning/shopping time and also give me a chance to work on cooking.  I made some meals successfully but I have to say the actual process of cooking gave me no joy.  The eating is always good but thank you Laura my dear for thoughtfully filling the bellies of your loved ones!

Laura's Apple Ginger Crisp was dynamite!  It was made with Liberty and Crimson Topaz apples, cut up candied ginger, sugar and spices with a delicious, buttery streusel on on top.  The tart apples were cooked just right and were a great compliment to the spiciness of the ginger, the sweetness of the gooey stuff and the crunch of the streusel.  I had it with a little vanilla ice cream and some whipped cream, YUM!

Next time, I review the Crimson Topaz.  Crunch on!