Saturday, September 16, 2017

Day 39 - Lemonade and Vacation From Apples

Today's selection is the Lemonade apple.

My last Apple blog entry was April 16th, 2017.  I have taken quite a break from it.  The original concept was to eat a different apple or apple product and write about it every day.  I posted 38 entries and only skipped 4 days.  For those days I skipped, I punished myself by eating an apple in a blizzard (day 22), in a horrible storm (day 32) and the 3rd time when I skipped 2 days (day 33) I just gave myself a good beating and verbal lashing for my transgression.  If you read the blogs, you will see these were death-defying punishments.

I decided now that I'm doing the blog again, I am not going to pressure myself to do them every day but often.  I am however, going to try to eat an apple every day as they are delicious, nutritious and possibly holy.  It was the apple that tempted Adam and Eve to the point where they disobeyed God! Sure, the serpent was probably very convincing but those apples must have been something else!  I will have a post about ancient apples as there are many orchards that are trying to keep them from extinction.

During my hiatus from the blog, I traveled the world trying different fruits.  The above picture is from an exotic locale (possible Arvada CO).  I went nuts for bananas.  I ate melon, various berries, guava, papaya, dragon fruit, the unfortunately named kumquat, lemons, limes, Cuties, pears, but it quickly became apparent that the apple was my favorite!

Ok, onto the review, the Lemonade is a New Zealand apple from the Yummy Fruit Company that just came out last year.  It is a cross between a Gala and a Braeburn.  It is a gold or light green in color with some patches of red.  It has quite an elongated shape and they are often tilted so they might not stand up very well, kind of like trying to stand up an egg.  Weebles wobble but they don't fall down but the Lemonade apple may and if it does, it may bruise as they have a thin skin and are delicate in that way.

They are supposed to be a "fizzy" apple, kind of like a glass of lemonade with some bubbles.  I don't really get the fizzy but it is good, crisp, tart, juicy and refreshing.  It is indeed somewhat reminiscent of a glass of lemonade.  Compared to other apples, I would rank Lemonade somewhere in the middle.  I did consume several as this was the first apple variety I'd seen in a while that I had not tried.

Finally, with the new growing season, there are some other apples out there for me to eat.  My next blog will feature the Paula Red.  Will it make the cut?  Tune in to find out and crunch on!

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