Saturday, February 10, 2018

Day 62 - Ginger Gold and Weihenstephaner Vitus

Ed Sheeran is doing a STADIUM tour!  I met this famous ginger just a few years ago when he was an up and coming singer/songwriting.  He performed on the Wakeup News at WITI, the Fox affiliate where I work.  He may be a more famous ginger but I was more excited when we had a rock star of fruit, Bob Barthel from Barthel Fruit Farm on the show in Sept of 2017.  He brought a couple apples I had never seen before, the Pippin (see my Day 43 blog, the biggest apple I had ever seen, big as a baby's head) and the Ginger Gold.  I tried a Ginger Gold that day and it was killer!

Ginger Gold is famous as the apple that Hurricane Camille brought forth. Camille brought devastating floods to Nelson County, Virginia in 1969, and the orchards of Clyde and Frances "Ginger" Harvey were badly washed out.  In recovering the few surviving trees around the edge of one Winesap orchard, another tree was found which Clyde Harvey recognized as being different. It was planted with the rest, but was found to produce yellow rather than red fruit.  An extension agent identified the parents as Golden DeliciousAlbemarle Pippin and some other unknown variety.  The variety was eventually named after Clyde Harvey's wife.

I really enjoyed this early season apple, they start to ripen in August.  My Ginger Gold had a uniform shape and bright gold skin.  It was juicy and crisp with a mild but complex flavor, not too sweet but with tartness and even some spicy notes at the end.  It thought it had a slight ginger quality to it.

I will definitely get out to Barthel Fruit Farm in Mequon next season, as their website shows some apples that are new to me.  Now a beer review...

Weihenstephaner is the oldest brewery in the world, almost a thousand years old.  Weihenstephaner Vitus is one of the best beers I have ever tasted.  It is a wheat beer and a Bock beer (a Weizenbock) but unlike any Bock I have tried.
It has a complex character due in part to an extra long storage time.  It has a creamy mouth feel with some good head.  There is a strong aroma of bananas, cloves and citrus.  It has a high alcohol content of 7.7 % ABV with an IBU of 17.

Weihenstephaner Vitus yes, maybe Ed Sheeran would like it?
Next times, I review the organic Green Dragon.  Crunch on and get yer drink on!

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