Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Day 63 - Organic Green Dragon

Chasing the dragon, eating an organic Green Dragon and listening to Nick Nutter's podcast, The Top Albums of 2017.  See below links to part 1 and 2.  Witness some spiky, edgy, fluffy and funly commentary on the music or 2017 that was the music of 2017!


The Green Dragon originated in 1920 at the famous (I'm sure you heard of it, dah!) Aomori Apple Research Center in Japan.  It is a cross between the Golden Delicious and the Indo, apples that also yielded the Mutsu and Shizuka.  

Green Dragon apples resemble a lime green Golden Delicious dotted with very small brown freckles. The skin is thinner than most green apples, yet also resistant to bruising.  It is one of the most aromatic apples on the market due to a plentitude of chemicals know as fruit esters.  Refrigerated, they will last for 2-3 weeks.

The flavor is very sweet, not too tart with some exotic fruit undertones of pineapple and pear.  At first, I found the inner flesh lacked crispness but as I continued eating, I realized it reminded me of the texture of a pear and it was good.  

Green Dragon, roar, twas' good!  Next time I hope for sky rockets in flight, an afternoon delight with the Rockit apple.  Crunch on!

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