Saturday, October 7, 2017

Day 44 - Marzetti Peanut Butter Carmel Dip! and Memories of Youth

Today's blog is about Marzetti Peanut Butter Caramel Dip!  This stuff is connected to a very specific memory for me.  I got my first apartment in 1993 my Senior year of college and for sustenance, what stands out to me at that time was a lot of beer, free pizzas brought home from Pizza Hut where I worked and Marzetti Peanut Butter Carmel Dip! with apples.  I picked up a container of this stuff and just fell in love with it and ate a lot of it!  let me set the scene.

I rented the upstairs unit of a crappy old house at 52 King Street in Brockport, NY.  It was the Summer preceding my Senior year of college and I was excited to have my own place.  There were a few bars on King Street so it was often loud at bar time as the students stumbled home.  It was a hot summer and I did not have air conditioning so the windows were always open.  My kitchen had no cupboards so I put up a plastic shelving unit to keep plates and whatnot.  There was no closet in the bedroom so I would keep some clothes in the kitchen closet.  I found myself feeling off balance sometimes and did not realize until I'd been there a few weeks that the house was on a slant.  I looked at the window sill one day and noticed it was not at all level with the floor.  I had to move my bed to another wall because the blood was rushing to my head at night. what a rush!

I was only a casual apple eater at the time but once I discovered Marzetti Peanut Butter Carmel Dip!, I wound up eating a lot of them with this dip.  My fiancee at the time, Laura moved in with me later that Summer and she could cook!  Until then, I existed on a limited menu: apples, dip, pizza, beer, hot dogs with beans, chips, fast food, that's all I can remember.

We had a terrible neighbor living downstairs from us.  Was she a witch, a demon, Miss Trailer Trash 1993?  Whatever she was was bad!  The above sketch is of Cyndra the horrible!  As you can see, she was VERY skinny and as the angry eyebrows suggest, she was pissed off and mean!  She was constantly yelling at her kids and had an obnoxious, smoky laugh that shook the rafters and was probably sinking the house into the ground!

One night she had some people over around 3am, pumping tunes.  I pounded on the floor and asked her to keep it down, she cranked up the noise further and yelled that we were the ones who were loud.  We heard a commotion another night and she had some people over helping her to move her possessions out, trying to skip out on her rent. We called the landlord on that shrieking Hell Hound.  He came right over.  Cyndra moved out soon after and for the next year or so that we lived there, the downstairs was vacant.  She had trashed the place and the landlord hadn't gotten around yet to fixing it up so peace came to the slanty, storage deficient kingdom of 52 king Street where Marzetti Peanut Butter Carmel Dip!, love and Rock 'n Roll lived on!

So Marzetti Peanut Butter Carmel Dip! is great, especially with a tart apple.  I ate it today with a Pippin.  If you don't like peanut butter, there is a straight caramel or low-fat caramel version of the dip also.  It is awesome heated up in the microwave.

Laura is planning to make Apple Pie Bread Pudding with Gala apples and that will probably be my next review.  Crunch on and live damn-it!

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