Monday, October 30, 2017

Day 49 - SweeTango

Today's apple is the captivating and sensuous SweeTango!  The official website says it will make your taste buds dance.  We will see.

SweeTango is a brand name of the Minneiska and is a registered trademark owned by the University of Minnesota.  It was developed by marrying the Honeycrisp and the Minnewasheta (brand name Zestar!).

SweeTango is pretty in pink with a yellow background and splotches of red.  It often has spots, also known as lenticels.  The name was chosen to emphasize the sweet and tangy taste.  Like the Honeycrisp, the Minneiska has much larger cells than most apples, which shatter when bitten to fill the mouth with juice.  It has a good shelf life of 4-5 months when refrigerated.

I enjoyed my SweeTango.  It had the desirable crispness and snappiness of a Honeycrisp.  When I say snappiness, I mean when you take a bite, the piece breaks off very cleanly in your mouth.  It was quite juicy with a thin skin.  The flavor however, did not make my taste buds dance.  It was a little more tart than a Honeycrisp, which is intentional but it lacked character.  I have tried a couple others with the same result.  The SweeTango is still an above average dancer and she does look nice!

My next blog will be number 50!  To celebrate, I will post a link to a song I recorded with my band The Night Howls all about apples called Apples: A Headbanger's Journey!  I will also review an apple I mentioned in today's review, the Zestar!  Crunch on!

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