Monday, January 15, 2018

Day 57 - SnapDragon vs. King Cholesterol

Today's apple is the SnapDragon.  On to that in a minute but first...

Oh Apple, my liege, why hath you forsaken me?  I have given my body and soul to you, informing the masses of your greatness, the health benefits, the many uses, the yumminess!

My doctor just informed me after my recent physical that my cholesterol is high and I need to start taking Atorvastatin.  I'm going back in 90 days to get checked.  Many studies have shown apples to be great at lowering LDL or "bad cholesterol and increasing HDL "good" cholesterol but nooooooooooo, you don't want to do that for me!  Many apples consumed I have, as Yoda would say.

After a long walk out in the snow in my robe and slippers, I have cooled off.  I'm sorry applesIt might be my love for beer and cheese and pasta and steak and donuts and maybe I need more walks in the snow but dressed more appropriately.  Apples are indeed a beneficial part of your diet to help with high cholesterol and I will eat more of them.  One to two a day has been shown to be very effective.  I don't actually eat an apple EVERY day but henceforth, I will.  Thanks apples!

SnapDragon is a new apple variety developed in 2013 by Crunch Time Apple Growers in New York state, an offshoot of the legendary Honeycrisp.  Crunch Time is responsible for the Ruby Frost which I reviewed on Day 16, which was tart and satisfying.

The SnapDragon is vibrant red with a uniform shape, medium in size.  I enjoyed mine very much.  It had "monster crunch" as the company claims.  It was juicy, sweet and had a snappy bite.  I would be proud to have a SnapDragon as part of my daily apple rotation.

Next time, I review the Autumn Glory, hallelujah and crunch on !!!

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