Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Day 56 - Spartan

Be strong young Spartan apple, like the warriors of ancient Greece.  You don't know who Daddy is but don't become another statistic, Mamma loves you!

Little Spartan went on The Jerry Springer Show with mother McIntosh.  For the longest time, he thought the cool, green, russeted Newtown Pippin from America was his father but lately, he was having doubts.  They were so different.  Jerry opened the envelope with the paternity test results.  The audience got very quiet, then the reveal... Newtown Pippin was not the father.  The crowd released a collective gasp that could be heard from the street.  Spartan cried, "How could you lie to me Mom?"  Mother McIntosh explained that she was young and times were different.  Mr. Pippin was a good father figure to Spartan and when he went away, she knew Newtown would not return.  She would rather Spartan think that Newtown Pippin was his father rather than having to figure out among the MANY other apples who it might be.

I am of course, kidding about the Jerry Springer part.  They don't have apple paternity tests on that show.  It was actually on The Maury Povich Show but it is true that until recently, it was thought that Spartan was a mix of the McIntosh and Newtown Pippin.  Recent DNA testing has ruled that out.  It is a mix of the McIntosh and an unknown variety.

The Spartan originated in 1936 from Summerland, British Columbia, Canada.  It is a small to medium apple.  They usually have a dark red skin with some patches of yellow.  The skin is thick and chewy.

My specimen was decent.  The skin took a lot of chewing, luckily, I have teeth.  The apple smelled very appily and it was juicy.  It didn't have a lot of flavor but there was a bit of a vinous or wine like quality to it.

Next time, I review the favorite apple of Imagine Dragons, the SnapDragon.  Crunch on!

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