Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 52 - Fulton's Harvest Apple Pie Cream Liqueur and Drink Wisconsinably

Today's review is of Fulton's Harvest Apple Pie Cream Liqueur.  It is normally priced at Otto's (where I buy my booze) at $9.99 but it was on sale for $4.99 so I had to try it.

Along with apples, I do like booze.  Here is a link to a song my band The Night Howls did about drinking:  https://thenighthowls1.bandcamp.com/track/drink-wisconsinably  Check it out!

Onto the review.  Fulton's Harvest Apple Pie Cream Liqueur was introduced in 2013.  Apple liqueurs are common but apple cream liqueurs are rare.  This is the only one I've seen in person.  FH Apple Pie is made with neutral grain spirits and natural flavors from apple, caramel, brown sugar and cinnamon.  It is bottled at 25 proof in Bardstown, Kentucky and is only available September through November.  It pours a light tan color and has a good apple pie aroma.  It has a soft and creamy mouth feel and is quite sweet.

 Fulton's Harvest Apple Pie Cream Liqueur tastes ok.  My biggest complaint, it doesn't taste enough of apples.  Fulton's Harvest also makes a Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur and I suspect it tastes very similar.  I taste a lot of those Fall baking spice flavors that also go with pumpkin.

I'm sure that FH Apple Pie would work well in mixed drinks and I came up with one that I liked.  I mixed 2 parts Fulton's Harvest Apple Pie Cream Liqueur with 2 parts apple cider and 1 part Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum served on the rocks.  The apple cider brings the apple flavor it so desperately needs and the rum, some kick!  The cider also made the drink thicker.

Next time Apple Reader, I review the Sweetie apple.  Crunch on!

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