Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 8 - Granny Smith

Today's apple is the Granny Smith.  It has light green skin and is firm and juicy with a tart flavor.  It originated in Australia in 1868.  People, like me, eat them raw but it is most known for being a good apple for baking and cooking.  It has an especially long shelf life, up to a year with little loss of quality under the right conditions.

The Granny Smith is thought to be one of the most healthy apples, high in antioxidant activity with the highest concentration of phenols among apple breeds.  This apple is low in calories and high in fiber and potassium.

I enjoyed my apple tasting today.  My wife rarely eats apples but the Granny Smith is her favorite.

Tomorrow, I review the Braeburn.  Crunch on!

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