Friday, March 31, 2017

Day 35 - Can't you feel it coming? EMPIRE

Today's apple is the Empire.  I hear Geoff Tate's voice every time I say it!  This is a very petite and pretty apple.  Look at the second photo ... Those are Ranier cherries, it looks very similar, neat!

The Empire originated in Geneva, NY in 1945.  It is the offspring of  a McIntosh and Red Delicious.

My specimen was juicy, firm, crunchy, sweet and a little tart.  Not bad, New York state represent yo!

So, I have now gone through all the varieties of apples I have been able to find this growing season.  I am checking out Cermak Fresh Market tomorrow.  Unless I can find a different type there, I will be moving on to other fabulous apple products!  Coming up:  Apple Butter Battle!, Marzetti Peanut Butter Caramel Apple Dip, home-made Apple Butter Streusel Muffins, dried apples, apple cinnamon bagels, Apple Toaster Strudel and Apple Jacks.  Tune in next time to find out what's next and crunch the fuck on!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Day 34 - Organic Fuji

Today's apple is the Organic Fuji.  I reviewed the Fuji on day 6 and it was a great apple, a model citizen of applehood!  This organic one is not nearly as good.  It's like half the flavor and one third of the crispiness and one eighth of the soul has been sucked out of it.

With the exception of the Organic Red Delicious, the organic apples I have tried so far have not been as good as their chemical laden counterparts.  Mother Nature, Father Time and Baby New Year might be better off if all apples were organic but my experience says otherwise.

While I write this, I am listening to the January 2017 release Weapons of Thrash Destruction by the Canadian band Terrifier.  As far as straight forward thrash goes, this shit is extreme!  I like it, major speed and chops but it would probably get tiresome to listen to all 43 minutes start to finish.

Tomorrow, I will try to have a New York state of mind for my review of the Empire apple.  Crunch on! 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Day 33 - Organic Golden Delicious

Today's apple is the Organic Golden Delicious.   Full disclosure, I skipped my apple blog the last two days!  I was a little tired after narrowly escaping drowning on Sunday and I've been worried about the neighbor's cat, I hope you are alright. (the cat likes my blog)  Still, I shouldn't have skipped the number 1 review of apples in southeastern Menomonee Falls!

I thought about punishing myself by doing today's review in the old, spooky, abandoned mine on old man Miller's property on the outskirts of town.  I'd have to get past the bulls and the dog and bring tools to pry off the old boards covering the entrance.  I'd have to risk life and limb, potential for cave-in's, suffocation, snake, spider, bat or chupacabra bites!  I decided just to give myself a good verbal lashing,  I called myself every name in the book!

Anyway, my Organic Golden Delicious is not that great.  It's pretty crisp but doesn't have much flavor.  I know what it needs, Marzetti Peanut Butter Caramel Dip!  That's better, yum-o! (as annoying Rachael Ray used to say all the time on her old show, $40 a Day)

The Organic Golden Delicious is in my belly.  I am listening to the new Mastodon: Emperor of Sand on youtube, kick ass, This is good apple eating music!

Tomorrow, I review the Organic Fuji.  Crunch on!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Day 32 - Wet, Drowning, Ida Red

Rolling thunder, pouring rain.  It's coming on like a hurricane, white lightnings flashing across the sky.  I hope eating this Ida Red in the rain ain't gonna cause me to die!

I skipped my apple blog yesterday.  For punishment, I did today's apple review in the rain.  It was a torrential downpour.  I could feel the electricity in the air.  As my yard began to flood, I was swept away from my house.  I was gasping for breath, trying not to let the water fill my lungs, so cold.  I was about to give up when an old door floated by with the neighbor's cat on it.  I frantically was able to pull myself up onto the door.  Unfortunately, this caused the cat to go flying with a big kerplunk!

With my last bit of strength, I was able to doggy paddle and grab kittie by the paw.  We looked into each other's eyes and had an instant psychic connection.  The cat was thinking, "You’re going to get out of’re going to go on and you’re going to make babies and watch them grow and you’re going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here...Not this night. Do you understand me?  Never let go!"  This seemed like a strange thing for a cat to think but ...  I'll go along with it.  "Good kittie, I promise I will never let go." I said.  With that, the cat extended it's claws, forcing me to let go!  It floated away into the unknown.  Thank you little fuzzy one.  I owe you my life.

The floods receded.  I made my way back inside, dried off and took a nap.  Now on to the review.  The Ida Red is a cross between a Jonathan and Wagener apple.  It was developed in Moscow, Idaho in the 1930's.  They are small to medium apples, quite round in shape.

I couldn't find a single one and had to buy a whole bag.  I have a LOT of apples around these days so I kept a few and brought the rest to work, where they were eaten posthaste, as free food at work always is.  I like the Ida Red.  Mine was firm and tangy.  It had a beautiful, uniform round shape and red color, though most of them are red and green.  The white flesh inside had streaks of red.  My wife asked if my gums were bleeding!  They weren't.

This was a tough day.  I really need to stop punishing myself for skipping blogs!  Tomorrow, I review the Organic Golden Delicious.  Crunch on and thanks neighbor's cat.  I hope you are alright ...

Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 31 - Crown Royal Apple vs Serpent's Bite Apple Whisky

I'm doing shots for science, it's hard work but somebody has to do it!  Tonight, I am comparing two Canadian Apple Whisky's, Crown Royal Regal Apple and Serpent's Bite Apple Cider Flavored Whisky.

They are both 35% alcohol.  The Crown Royal has a darker color and is a little thicker.  You can see roping on the glass.  It has a stronger apple scent than the Serpent's Bite.  I enjoy them both but ... hold on, I need to pour a couple more shots ......

I'm back.  They are both pretty smooth but the Crown definitely has more of a Whisky taste.  The Serpent's Bite is good.  There is no weird artificial flavor, the apple is prominent but it could just as well be a Brandy or even a Vodka.  

Regal Apple is the sweetest version Crown Royal has ever released.  This does diminish the Whisky flavor somewhat.  I have read reviews that have slayed it for this because Crown Royal is considered a premium spirit and it is fairly pricey.  I however, have a blog about apples so the sweetness doesn't bother me.  I'm looking for the best overall taste and the best apple-e-ness!

There is the price to consider.  A 750ml bottle of Crown Royal Apple goes for $25,99 - $27.99 generally.  A 750ml bottle of Serpent's Bite generally costs between $13.99 to $15.99.  If you are looking for the best apple whisky, Crown Royal Regal Apple is the best but if you don't want to spend that much, Serpent's Bite Apple Cider Flavored Whisky is pretty good.  I will say this, I am feeling it, as research has required many shots.  I will regret this in the morning!

Tomorrow I review the Ida Red apple.  Crunch on!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Day 30 - Organic Red Delicious

A milestone, my 30th apple review! (cue the applause)   Oh, to be 30 and an apple again!  Today, I revisit one of the lamest apples on planet Earth or anywhere for that matter, the Red Delicious.  This one is of the organic variety.

I will say this, visually, it looks pretty cool.  A Red Delicious is usually a vibrant red.  This one has more of a unique appearance.  The taste is better than I expected but still not great.  The skin is thick, it has an OK level of sweetness, it is not as mealy as some and it at least waited until I was done eating it to turn brown.

I bid you adieu Red Delicious!  You think you're all that.  Sure, I will look when our paths cross but I will touch no more!  I have no evidence to support this but I think the poison apple in Snow White was a Red Delicious!  Here is an image.

Tomorrow, I do something different for my blog since I need to ration the few types of apples I have left and drinking alcohol is fun, Friday night baby!  I will review two apple spirits, Crown Royal Regal Apple Whiskey and Serpent's Bite Apple Cider Flavored Whiskey.  Join me, drinks are on me.  Get yer drink and yer crunch on!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Day 29 - Organic Granny Smith and a Song!

Today's apple is the Organic Granny Smith.  Do I submit to her tartness or do I attempt to tame her?This organic one isn't too much different than the Granny Smith I reviewed on day 8.  It is crisp and tangy.  I don't eat them raw too often.  I think of it as more of a cooking apple.  I decided to tame her! Take that Granny!  Marzetti Peanut Butter Caramel Dip is the answer.  This stuff is the bomb-diggity!  It tastes great with the puckerishness of the Granny Smith.  

I will have a separate blog about Marzetti Peanut Butter Caramel Dip another day, as I have a long history with this product.  It is part of a tale of crumbling architecture, white trash neighbors, drunken fits of rage and scorching, sleepless nights!

OK, I posted a video highlighting part of a new song about apples on Facebook the other day because I could not upload it here.  There is now a second video.  I have links to them on Youtube here.  The song combines my love for metal music with my love for, well take a guess........ Please check them out and I hope you enjoy.  The finished song will be on The Night Howls upcoming EP and will be RAD!!!

Tomorrow will be a milestone for my blog, day 30!  It's a nice even number, a month and whatnot.  I will review the Organic Red Delicious.  Crunch on!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 28 - Organic Gala

Today's apple is the Organic Gala.  It tasted pretty much like the non-organic Gala featured in my Day 4 review.  It was smaller, more conical in shape and had more defined stripes but that's not a organic/non-organic thing.  The appearance of Galas can vary greatly.  Here however, is a picture from the Day 4 review for important comparison and analysis.

The Organic Gala is a good, balanced, everyday lunch, picnic or fancy soiree fruit.  I would eat it on a train.  I would eat it in the rain.  I would eat it here or there.  I would eat it while you stare.  I would eat it while watching The Jerk or watching Miley Cyrus twerk. I would eat it at the Slayer show or while I'm on vacation, letting myself go.  I would eat it when I'm certain or when I let my mind wander.  I would eat it with brunettes or someone who is blonder. I would eat one so give it a try.

Tomorrow, I review the Organic Granny Smith.  Also, I will have a link to a new video, another portion of the song I posted yesterday on Facebook, Apples: A Headbanger's Journey.  Crunch on! 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 27 - Organic Pink Lady and a Song !

I knew our paths would cross again because I like this lady and she didn't protest because she is an apple.  Today I have the Organic Pink Lady.  The Pink Lady was the 1st apple review I did.  It is a great apple.  This is my 1st time eating the organic version.  It is quite good, crisp, tart, a little less sweet than most of the Pink Lady's I have tried and small in size.  

Organic apples are often smaller than the non-organic version although the Organic Honeycrisp I had yesterday was big.  The big question, do organic apples taste and/or look better?  There is not a lot of consensus on this.  Many studies using casual and expert tasters have shown that the answer is based more on emotion and pre-conceived perception than the actual taste and appearance.  Organic is however, better for the environment, our health and the health of the farmers.  At some point, I will do side-by-side comparisons of organic vs non-organic using friends and family members.

Finally, because of my love of apples.  I wrote a song called Apples: A Headbanger's Journey.  I tried to uploaded a portion of the raw demo here but it would not upload so I am posting it on facebook.

Tomorrow, I review the Organic Gala.  Crunch and rock on !!!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Day 26 - Organic Honey Crisp

I saw her across the room.  She had the most amazing skin and that shape!  I said, "Hey honey, are you for real!"  She said, "Yeah, I'm all natural, baby!"

Today's apple is the Organic Honeycrisp.  I have exhausted all the apple varieties available to me at the moment so the next option is to try the organic version of a few.  I picked this one up at Sendik's food market.  Organic foods tend to be more expensive, Honeycrisp apples are expensive anyway but the organic version at Sendik's is $5.99 a pound!  I paid $3.49 for this apple.

What does organic mean?  Simply stated, organic produce are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation.  Apples are considered one of the foods most susceptible to pesticide contamination, partly because the spray can pool in the dip on top of the fruit and sink into the core.  The U.S. government and international government groups have data that shows a direct link to pesticides and: “brain and nervous system toxicity, cancer, hormone disruption, skin/eye/lung irritation, and even ADHD.”

OK, so how was my apple?  First off, visually it was a thing of beauty, look at those markings!  The flesh inside was an unblemished creamy white.  It was crisp and juicy, more tart than sweet, no browning occurred while eating.  I paired my apple with a little Triple Cream Buterkase cheese from Brennan's food market, where I found the Koru apple, and it was lovely!  

Organic Honeycrisp and I had a great time but she is an expensive date.  Maybe I will see her again...

Organic or not is a personal choice.  Wash your apples and do what's right for you, playa!

Tomorrow, I review the Organic Gala.  Crunch on! 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Day 25 - Aurora

Today's apple is the Aurora.  They are a cream to pale yellow color, a cross between a Splendour and a Gala.  They originated in Summerland, BC, Canada.  They are sweet and juicy but are known to bruise and brown easily.  The name came from a national Name that Apple contest.  The winner was a woman from Ottawa who said the apple reminded her of the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis.  I have never seen The Northern Lights but.....ok lady, if you say so?  I will ask my mom, as she has been to Alaska a few times and seen the Aurora Borealis.  I have included a picture of this wonder of nature.  Look, it's a face!

My specimen today had an interesting shape. Like described, it was sweet and juicy with a thin skin. It also had a subtle spicy quality, almost like there was a little cinnamon in there.  Don't get me started on cinnamon, I love that stuff!  It did however bruise and brown quite easily.  It developed a few bruises in just the few days I've had it and I take care of my apples, yo!  It also started turning brown in just the short time I was eating it.

My conclusion, Aurora tasty, but the browning and bruising is no good.  If you want to handle it with the softest of gloves and store it in the most optimal of climate controlled conditions, who knows?

Tomorrow, I review an Organic Honey Crisp.  It is the first of a few organic versions of apples I have tried, as I have gone through the rest of them at the moment.  As seasons change, different varieties will become available.  Crunch on!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Day 24 - Koru

Today's apple is the Koru.  Koru is a brand name for a variety called Plumac.  a chance seedling that was discovered in new Zealand in 1998.  The grower's mother-in-law had discarded an old Fuji in their orchard and he helped it grow into a tree which yielded some delicious apples.  DNA testing confirmed it was a mix of the Fuji and Braeburn.  

This is a a tasty apple.  It has personality, style and grace.  My apple was juicy, crisp, sweet and sour with notes of honey, mellon, chamomile, rainbows and unicorns!  look for the Koru peeps!

Tomorrow, I review the Aurora.  Crunch on and on and on!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Day 23 - Grapple

Today's apple is the Grapple.  Grapples are Gala or Fuji apples soaked in a water and concentrated grape solution to infuse the flavor and scent of grape juice.  It is supposedly a natural grape flavor with no added calories.

Grapples should be called Crapples because they are crap!  They are only available in 3, 4 or 6 packs.  I bought a 4 pack.  I will probably finish the other 3 so they don't go to waste but I'm not happy about it.  They do have a grape juice flavor and and strong grape scent.  I think the company is trying to appeal to kids.  The mascot is half monkey, half grape. That is not even original.  They stole it from the 1975 cartoon, The Great Grape Ape.  I also just learned that Grape Ape is a strain of marijuana, much more popular than the cartoon I might add! Maybe Grape Ape would pair well with the Grappel, hmm?

I'd rather teach the children that apples don't need to be infused with grape juice to be delicious. There is a reason that Gala and Fuji apples are so popular, they are pretty consistently good.  This process robs them of a lot of their natural flavor!  I guess if this really gets the kiddo's to eat fruit, it's ok but I don't approve, no sir-y Bob!

Tomorrow, I review the Koru.  Crunch on!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 22 - Regret, Redemption, Pinata

I have brought shame upon my household.  Yesterday, I skipped An Apple a Day.  Sure, I will be out of new apples to try soon so days will be skipped but I've got a few apples left.  There is no excuse, I will fall upon my sword!

For punishment, I ate my Pinata apple out in the bleak, glacial cold.  The frigid wind stung my face, my hands and feet went numb.  I could barely keep my footing while maneuvering the sheets of ice. Icicles whipped past me from above, almost impaling me.  Apple juice, snot and tears soiled the newly fallen snow!

Anyway, on to the Pinata.  The name is a combination of the apples's two given names, Pinova and Sonota.  It originated in Germany in the 1970's and is a cross between a Golden Delicious, Cox's Orange Pippin and Duchess.  

My Pinata was dense, it actually felt heavy.  It was crisp, had a good tangy-tart but also sweet taste.  The producers claim it has, "classic apple taste with a tropical twist".  I can kind of see that.  I tasted some notes of melon.  I would not smash this Pinata with a stick!   

Tomorrow, I review something wacky, the Grapple.  Crunch on!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Day 21 - Opal

Today's apple is the Opal.  They claim it does not brown when you slice it so it would be great in salads or on a fruit tray.  If this is true, I will save money the next time my wife wants jewelry. Instead of a precious Opal stone, I will buy her an Opal apple ring!  I am testing this claim right now. Check out the before and after pics of a slice below.  I am impressed!  There is some browning but much less than you usually see.  I have had apples start to brown in just a few minutes while eating them.

Just after slicing

1 hour after slicing

2 hours after slicing 
3 hours after slicing

A beautiful Opal apple ring

The Opal originated in Europe in 1999.  It has been available in the US since 2010.  It is the first US apple variety to be verified by the Non-GMO Project, the only independent verification in North America for non-GMO food.  That means it is never genetically modified.  The Opal is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Topaz.

The appearance is bright yellow.  It is sweet, crisp and what stands out most, VERY juicy, you'll need a napkin for this one!

Tomorrow, I review the Pinata.  Hopefully, I won't want to smash it with a stick!

I must venture out for more apples.  After the Pinata, I will have tried all the varieties currently available at the couple of grocery store chains I have frequented so far.  I know they are out there and I will, like the Vikings before me, crunch on !!!!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Day 20 - Smitten, Apple Brandy

Today's apple is the Smitten.  Maybe it's the brandy talking but if I were an apple, I would be smitten for the Smitten!  I am not an apple but I do like the Smitten and the E & J Brandy with Apple Liqueur.

Smitten is a recent apple from New Zealand.  It's parents are not named (they are thought to be in the witness protection program) but it's grandparents are Falstaff, Fiesta, Braeburn and Gala, a fine lineage!

My apple was tasty.  It had a crisp bite, was sweet with honey notes and a touch of acidity.  It did have a weird brown spot inside I cut out.

It's Friday night yo.  I decided to pair my Smitten with some E & J Brandy with Apple Liqueur on the rocks.  E & J  Brandy has been around since 1975.  This apple version was not bad, a sweet apple flavor with hints of vanilla and caramel.  It is 30% alcohol, recommended to drink on the rocks or mixed with something.  It's not real smooth so straight up ain't the best.  It would be great mixed with apple cider, in fact I will try it now (cider review soon).  I just tried it with cider and a shake of cinnamon (I consume cinnamon every day) and it was delicious!  Cranberry juice and Ginger Ale would also be good mixers.

Tomorrow, I review the Opal.  Crunch and drink on!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Day 19 - Ambrosia

Ambrosia, in Greek mythology means food of the Gods.  The Ambrosia apple originated in British Columbia in the early 1990's.  It has a conical shape with skin a fluorescent pink over a cream-yellow background. It has low acidity with a flavor reminiscent of a pear.

The Ambrosia isn't an apple I would want too often but it is pretty good.  It is not tart at all.  It is not too sweet but the flavor has a honey character.  I wish it was a little more crisp.

Reviewing the Ambrosia got me thinking about Ambrosia Salad.  Here is a recipe that looks good:

Ambrosia Salad

yield: 8 SERVINGS
prep time: 10 MINUTES


  • 8 ounces frozen whipped topping, thawed (see note below for alternative)
  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup shredded sweetened coconut
  • 1 11-ounce can mandarin oranges, drained
  • 1 8-ounce can pineapple tidbits or crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 cup maraschino cherries, drained
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans, optional
  • 1 1/2 cups Campfire® Mini Fruit-Flavored Marshmallows


  1. In a large bowl, stir together the whipped topping and yogurt.
  2. Using a rubber spatula, carefully fold remaining ingredients into whipped topping.
  3. Chill before serving.

Yum, I haven't had it in years but it is delicious.  It does not normally contain apples but you could add chopped up apples to the recipe.

Tomorrow, I review the Smitten.  Crunch on!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Day 18 - Cameo

Cameo, my apple of the day and also a funk-soul group that got pretty big in the 1980's with the hit, Word Up.  Based on this photo, the singer may be hiding a Cameo apple in his pants!  I think that's it, they stuff Cameo apples in their pants and that is how they came up with the band name!  If you would like to see Cameo perform, they currently have a show in Las Vegas.

On to the apple, I have an organic one grown by Viva Tierra Organic.  I could at some point review organic versions of several apples but the type of Cameo I found happens to be organic.

The Cameo was discovered at an orchard in Dryden, Washington in 1987.  It is thought to be a cross between a Red Delicious and a Golden Delicious.  

The 1st thing I noticed about this apple is it looks nice and it is very fragrant.  It really smells appley!  It has an OK flavor, middle of the road sweetness.  It has a consistency similar to a Red Delicious.  Bottom line, this apple is THE BEST for stuffing in your pants!  If you like to eat your apples, I'd pick a different one.  The group Cameo is more interesting than the apple.

Tomorrow, I review the Ambrosia.  Crunch on!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day 17 - Lady Alice

Lady Alice, a cheap floozy or a lady?  Me thinks even Tom Jones would agree, she's a lady, whoa, whoa, whoa, sh'e a lady!

The Lady Alice was a chance seedling discovered near Gleed, Washington in 1979.  It has distinct pink stripes washed over a vibrant, banana yellow background.

Today's apple was wonderful!  It was VERY dense and crisp and had a great mix of tartness (not in a trampy, floozy sense) and sweetness.  My only complaint, the outside was sticky, in fact all of the Lady Alice apples at the store were.  It turns out that Rainier Fruit company waxes their apples to increase shelf life and keep in moisture.  I gave it a good bath and it was good to go, hot to trot, right for the bite!  I knew that wax was added to apples sometimes but I just learned that many apples have a natural wax protective coating, how about that!

Tomorrow, I review a Cameo Organic.  Word up, crunch on!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Day 16 - Ruby Frost

Today's apple is the Ruby Frost.  It is rumored that Ruby Tuesday by The Rolling Stones was written about this apple being eaten on a Tuesday on a Winter's day.  This rumor is however, unlikely since Ruby Frost just became available in 2013 and I started the rumor.  It would have been cool though, a good song.

I was out searching for the elusive Pacific Rose Friday.  I found some but they were a dull red color and literally as big as a baby's head!  I don't want to eat a weird baby head apple, this was not the apple that Tom showed me at work on Wednesday!  My wife, we'll call her Laura, after many a sigh, not being as excited as I by scouring apple bins on a Friday night when we could be home drinking wine, found the Ruby Frost.  She said it sounded like a good super hero name so I bought it.

Crunch Time Apple Growers of New York state released two new varieties in 2013, the Ruby Frost and the Snap Dragon.  I probably won't get a chance to try a Snap Dragon this year as their growing season has ended.

My apple was sour but flavorful, crisp and juicy, decent, as Bubbles of The Trailer Park Boys would say.

Tomorrow, I review the Lady Alice.  Crunch on!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Day 15 - Pacific Rose

Today's apple is the Pacific Rose.  I wrote at the end of my blog yesterday that the review today was for the Ruby Frost.  I apologize to the thousands of Ruby Frost fans out there who also read my blog and have been staring at their phones, tablets, and computers since yesterday, their eyes crusting over, unshowered, unshaven, unkempt, unhinged.  Although, I've heard those Ruby Frost people are like that anyway.  Sorry Ruby Frost people, I kid of course?  On to the Pacific Rose..........

I believe it was Wednesday.  If this was a movie, I would have a black screen up with the word Wednesday in the middle of the screen, with some dramatic music, like in The Shining.  I walked into the room where my co-worker works.  We'll call him Tom Williams.  There was an apple on the console.  I asked about the apple.  He said it was an apple he had never seen before and it looked kind of a like a Pink Lady so he thought he'd give it a try.  He asked if I had ever tried a Pink Lady.  Have I ever had a Pink Lady, I scoffed!  He handed me the apple, it actually smelled like a rose!  Tom called me later in the day and told me I must try the Pacific Rose, I must!  I said OK.  I found one yesterday at Sendik's food market so this had to be my next review.

The Pacific Rose is a cross between a Gala and a Splendour.  It originated in New Zealand, developed by ENZA, a company that also developed the Jazz and Envy apple.  It arrived in America in 1996.

My apple was sweet, crisp, and juicy.  It did have a somewhat flowery taste although it did not smell like a rose, like the one that I smelled at work on Wednesday.  The down side, the skin was a bit thick and somewhat bitter like my foe, the Red Delicious.  This apple was above average.  I will try it again, in fact I bought two of them because of the hype.

Tomorrow, I review the Ruby Frost for reals yo.  Crunch on!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Day 14 - Kanzi

Today's apple is the Kanzi.  "We are juicy and sassy but we always keep it classy!" according to the website.  Kanzi is Swahili for "hidden treasure".  It originated in Belgium, reaching the market in 2004.  Like the Jazz apple, the Kanzi is a cross between a Braeburn and a Gala.  It was bred to be a little less sweet.

The Kanzi website is fancy, young and hip.  Check out their marketing statement:


Rejuvenating energy fueling your mind and body.
Life never stops. Each day, each moment, is an opportunity to make a choice and take a stand – for delightful days and healthier living.
We believe that life should be enjoyed and explored. So we seize the day with passion and live life to the full – we seduce life – a crunchy, sweet-tart, juicy and flavourful kind of life.
We have strong beliefs as a company in terms of the quality and experience of our product and our approach to the world surrounding us. These beliefs are what makes Kanzi® apples so unique.
Rejuvenating: The juicy Kanzi® apples are full of rejuvenating energy fueling your mind and body.
Delightful: A bite of Kanzi® is a delightful bite.
Modern: Kanzi® is always on track with the latest lifestyle and food trends.
Outgoing: Enjoy life and share it with friends and family.
Classy: We are juicy and sassy – but we always keep it classy.
Wow, it looks like this apple will get you laid, paid and made in the shade!  Health, beauty, success, contributing to the betterment of the planet.  This I gotta try!
I like the Kanzi, it is indeed similar to the Jazz but a little less sweet.  It is juicy and crisp.  I am waiting for the life-changing effects to take place!
Tomorrow, I review the Ruby Frost.  Crunch on!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Day 13 - Envy

Today's apple is the Envy.  Don't be jealous!  We all wanna be royals.  The Envy is a cross between a Braeburn and a Royal Gala.  It was developed in New Zealand in 2009.

This apple is VERY sweet, crisp and juicy.  You could have one for dessert while wandering the desert and forget momentarily that you are most likely going to die alone in the dirt, thirsty and alone, only to be eaten by buzzards.  Good bye cruel world but thanks Envy for offering some pleasure in my final moments of this doomed existence!

Tomorrow, I review the Kanzi.  Crunch on!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Day 12 - Jonagold

Today's apple is the Jonagold.  The Jonagold originated in 1953 in Geneva, NY.  It is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Jonathan.  The skin is green-yellow with brindled crimson on top.  It is a sweet-sour apple with a short growing season.

I liked my sample today.  It was juicy and more sour than I expected, just as sour as a Granny Smith.  Thanks Jonagold!

Tomorrow, I review the mysterious Envy.  Don't be jealous, just crunch on! 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 11 - Honeycrisp

Today's apple is the Honeycrisp.  Many people consider it to be one of the best apples in the world.  It is very sweet with some tartness, it has a firm crisp texture and a thin skin.  It has much larger cells than most apples, which rupture when bitten, filling the mouth with juice.  It retains it's color well and has a long shelf life.

I had my 1st one 5 or 6 years ago and was not that impressed, especially considering Honeycrisp apples are more expensive than most apples, but I've had several since that were AWESOME!

The test subject today was good but was lacking the honey-like sweetness that I expect from a Honeycrisp.  I would rate the apple today somewhere in the middle of the 11 varieties I have tried since starting this blog.

Tomorrow, I review the Jonagold.  Crunch on!