Sunday, March 26, 2017

Day 32 - Wet, Drowning, Ida Red

Rolling thunder, pouring rain.  It's coming on like a hurricane, white lightnings flashing across the sky.  I hope eating this Ida Red in the rain ain't gonna cause me to die!

I skipped my apple blog yesterday.  For punishment, I did today's apple review in the rain.  It was a torrential downpour.  I could feel the electricity in the air.  As my yard began to flood, I was swept away from my house.  I was gasping for breath, trying not to let the water fill my lungs, so cold.  I was about to give up when an old door floated by with the neighbor's cat on it.  I frantically was able to pull myself up onto the door.  Unfortunately, this caused the cat to go flying with a big kerplunk!

With my last bit of strength, I was able to doggy paddle and grab kittie by the paw.  We looked into each other's eyes and had an instant psychic connection.  The cat was thinking, "You’re going to get out of’re going to go on and you’re going to make babies and watch them grow and you’re going to die an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here...Not this night. Do you understand me?  Never let go!"  This seemed like a strange thing for a cat to think but ...  I'll go along with it.  "Good kittie, I promise I will never let go." I said.  With that, the cat extended it's claws, forcing me to let go!  It floated away into the unknown.  Thank you little fuzzy one.  I owe you my life.

The floods receded.  I made my way back inside, dried off and took a nap.  Now on to the review.  The Ida Red is a cross between a Jonathan and Wagener apple.  It was developed in Moscow, Idaho in the 1930's.  They are small to medium apples, quite round in shape.

I couldn't find a single one and had to buy a whole bag.  I have a LOT of apples around these days so I kept a few and brought the rest to work, where they were eaten posthaste, as free food at work always is.  I like the Ida Red.  Mine was firm and tangy.  It had a beautiful, uniform round shape and red color, though most of them are red and green.  The white flesh inside had streaks of red.  My wife asked if my gums were bleeding!  They weren't.

This was a tough day.  I really need to stop punishing myself for skipping blogs!  Tomorrow, I review the Organic Golden Delicious.  Crunch on and thanks neighbor's cat.  I hope you are alright ...

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